• Understand her point of view
Often men complain about their partner not making the first move, neglecting the way they look and focusing more on work or children. The first thing that men need to understand is that women need to do all these things to keep your life running smoothly. After a hard day of work or of meeting the incessant demands of your kids, it is impossible for your wife to look like a “gorgeous hottie” all the time. If you are seeking more excitement in your relationship, there are many things you can do yourself before you start pointing fingers at the woman in your life. Ask yourself what you can do for her, not what she can do for you.
• Sense of humor – The biggest ‘X’ factor
Many women complain about their men returning too irritated or stressed after work. If you find yourself losing your temper too often – it’s time to de-stress. Don’t bring your work tension home, it may be easier said than done, but if you make a conscious effort, with time you can learn to leave day to day work stress at the office. There’s a good chance that your partner was attracted to you in first place because of your sense of humor - if you lose that, you lose your charm. Keep the spark alive with your sense of humor and keep your partner attracted to you. This will ensure a fun atmosphere and sparks in the bedroom are sure to follow.
• Compliments will get you everywhere
There’s nothing like a genuine compliment to make a woman feel good, expensive diamonds and fancy restaurants aren’t necessary. Tell her that she looks gorgeous when she wears that blue dress or when she leaves her hair down, and she will make an effort to get you to notice her good features again. But keep in mind that the compliments have to be genuine and not delivered in an offhand manner. Overtly sexy compliments are good at times as every woman wants her man to want her. A confident woman will feel sexy and good about herself and the positive effect will be seen in your bedroom too.
• Share her workload and worries
If there’s a roast in the oven, clothes waiting to be ironed and kids screaming in the background, it would be unreasonable to expect her to feel sexy. While she is in the kitchen, why not help with the laundry and keep the kids under control, instead of watching ESPN – by the time she finishes her work, you both will have more spare time to do fun things in the bedroom. Stress often hampers a woman’s libido; if you can share her workload and worries, you can easily make her feel more relaxed and sexy.
• Focus on her pleasure
Many men whine about their partner not being active enough in bed, not giving them oral pleasure or not doing wild things to spice up their sex life. If she isn’t initiating more adventurous sex, why don’t you set a good example and get the ball rolling yourself. If she still doesn’t get the hint, talk to her openly. She might resist the idea at first, but with the right approach she will see your point. Also, ask her what she would like you to do while you are at it and then do it like a true gentleman.
These tips are not new, but that does not make them any less true or important. Some of these tips run the risk of being considered clichéd, but it’s likely that any man could be guilty of at least one of these mistakes. If you find yourself saying “Oh yes, I am guilty of that one!” even once, you are well on your way to mending your relationship.
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